Sunday, November 5, 2017

Bitcoin Mining


What is Bitcoin mining?
Bitcoin operates as peer to peer network, Bitcoin doesn't have a central government.

in Bitcoin mining miners use special software to solve the math problems know as "Hash" for which they will be payed Bitcoins in exchange, it creates an incentive for more people to mine and get bitcoins in exchange.

more miners means more secured network, since miners are required to approve and authenticate the Bitcoins transaction.

the bitcoin network automatically changes and increases the level of difficulty of the math problem (Hash function) depending on how fast they are being solved.

Bitcoins are issued in certain numbers to miners in exchange for solving the problem.

Miners are also required to approve the Bitcoin transaction being part of Block chain network.

In the early days miners used their computes chips to solve the problems. later miners discovered that gaming graphic cards were much more efficient in solving the problems, graphics cards were fast but used more electricity and generated lot of heat.

later cards and chip set specially designed for Bitcoin mining were introduced into the market, these chips were faster but still power hungry.

ASIC  chips are specially designed for bitcoin mining , ASIC made Bitcoin mining much faster using less power.

As the popularity of the bitcoin increases, more miners will involve in mining and try solving the math problem making it more difficult solve the math problems individually, to overcome this miners have developed a way to work together in mining pools, pools of miners find solutions faster than individual members and each miner is awarded proportionate amount of bitcoins based on the amount of works he/she provides.

Miners can exchange these Bitcoins for money , since the Bitcoins prices are skyrocketing, earning just few number of Bitcoins will be a lot profit and significant in earnings, it encourages more and more miners to be involved in Bitcoin mining.

More and more computer programming and Block chain enthusiasts are becoming Bitcoin miners every day, many of them have made Bitcoin mining as their full time professional job, since earning just few number of Bitcoins is significant enough in making money.

mining is an integral part of network while keeping bitcoin network, safe stable and secured.



What is a Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a Blockchain application.
Bitcoin is a peer to peer systems digital currency.
Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency.

It is a worldwide cryptocurrency and digital payment system called the first decentralized digital currency, as the system works without a central repository or single administrator.

Bitcoin is the biggest and most popular Block Chain Application in the world today

Who created the Bitcoin?

It was invented by an unknown person or group of people under the name "Satoshi Nakamoto" in Japan and released as open-source software in 2009.

The system is peer-to-peer, and transactions take place between users directly, without an intermediary like Banks, Governments or any private Companies . These transactions are verified by network nodes and recorded in a public distributed ledger called a Blockchain.

Why Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a digital currency used to transfer money from one person to another person whether you know about that persons identity, address or location or not.

Unlike traditional banking money transfer where the parties are to required to be registered with  Banks by providing person's address, identity and government ID proof. Bitcoin transactions are totally anonymous with no identity leakage of a person or a details of any transactions.
credit cards, online bank transactions have middle man that is Banks which actually asks you for your identity proof and you house address. bitcoin transaction is totally anonymous not overseen by any banks or authority who will track your transaction and identity.

Bitcoin Transaction, How does it work?

Person "A" wants to transfer money to Person "B", say the transfer amount to be 10,000 Rs.
Person "A" buys 10,000 Rs worth of Bitcoin's from a local Bitcoin Exchange service, now the Person "A" transfers the bitcoin that he purchased from the exchange to the Person "B" bitcoin address. 
Person "B" receives the Bitcoin's sent by Person "A", now Person "B" will convert those Bitcoins back into money from a local bitcoin exchange. local bitcoin exchange service may charge money for the service, the advantage here is that transaction of the money in totally anonymous, no government,bank or any private company can track the user's identity, address, location or the amount of money transferred. 

the bitcoin transaction is approved by block chain users (millions of user computers in the system) for which users makes a small fraction of money for approving and overseeing the transaction.

Block chain users verifies the transaction and makes sure that the only person who is intended to get the money gets the money and not anyone else by mistake.

Bitcoins can be traded for goods or services with vendors who accept Bitcoins as payment.

Bitcoin as an Investment?

Though the bitcoins were meant for money transfer and trading, it has become more of an money investment in recent times, reason being that the number of bitcoins being introduced to the block chain systems are limited.

currently 2.5 bitcoins per block are introduced (approximately every ten minutes) until mid 2020, and then afterwards 6.25 bitcoins per block for 4 years until next halving. This halving continues until 2110–40, when 21 million bitcoins will have been issued.

as more numbers of users buy bitcoins over the time the price of bitcoin purchasing power have greatly reduced over the time, thus prices of bitcoins are sky rocketing.

Just look at Price of 1 Bitcoin in over 5 years below

The Price of 1 Bitcoin on Nov 2013 was near about $979 and in the Oct 2017 the price of the 1 Bitcoin sky rocketed to $6924.  500% rise in the value.

if a Person bought a Bitcoin in Dec 2013 by paying $979 at a local exchange with an intention to transfer money to some one but later decides not to transfer it for some reason and keeps the Bitcoin with himself to use it some time later, if the person hasn't sent those bitcoins to anyone over the time and still owns those bitcoins with him , if he decides to exchange those bitcoins for money in Oct 2017 from a local bitcoin exchange service,  he will be getting $6924 in money since the price of the bitcoin increased up by 500%  from 2013 to 2017.

due to the increasing price of a bitcoin, users are now seeing it as more of an investment of money just like stock market investment and Gold trade.

so the person who originally bought 1 bitcoin for $979 but after 5 years his bitcoin's worth is about $6924. so the person now earns $6924 by investing only $979 5 years earlier, just like gold prices, where the worth of the gold prices increases over the time as there will be limited supply of gold material meanwhile more users try buying it. 

Bitcoin Hackers

The rise in the value of Bitcoin prices and its digital nature have made Bitcoins vulnerable to the hackers.

a Hacker usually tries hacking the bitcoin exchange service, e-wallet of a person who stores bitcoins after purchasing it from an exchange, or a repository medium where a person or a company stores bitcoins for trading, hackers goal is to steal bitcoins from these places and sell those bitcoins for money across from an another local bitcoin exchange service making profits.

Blockchain Technology


What is Block chain?
Block chain is a global online database.

A global online database that anyone anywhere with the internet connection can use.

Unlike traditional data bases like financial/assets database which are owned, monitored, tracked and ruled by central figures like Banks, Government or  by any private companies.

Block Chain databases are not owned and ruled by any bank, central government, private companies or by any individual.

Block Chain stores information permanently across the networks of personal computers owned by the millions users who are actually part of block chain systems.

Block chain is Decentralized

The stored information is decentralized and distributed across the networks by millions of user computers within the block chain systems.

Thus an information uploaded to the system is stored, secured and guarded by millions of users who are part of the block chain network.

Block chain is run by millions of users over the network and it is impossible for any hacker to bring down the network.

The uploaded data are well distributed among millions of users with personnel computers who are actually the part of the block chain network, thus making it totally impossible to lose any data uploaded into the systems by any means as millions of user computers hold multiples copies of the same data, this works much more efficient than any traditional data centers.

The millions of users who run the block chain system actually use their own personnel computer to hold the data. the data that are held are in the form of bundles of records submitted by others.

The records are known as blocks, each block has a time stamp and link to a previous block forming a chronological chain which is called Block Chain.

Any user in the block chain system can view it (providing that if he has the key's to unlock) and add more data to it, but none can change it or alter information that already exist, meaning that the millions of users who are part of block chain system and who actually hold the data and bundles of records are just simply the guardians of the data, their computers are nothing but an data repository machine within the block chain network, thus making them helpers of storing information across the network , but they cannot modify the data.

The block chain enforces these rules based on mathematical computation know as cryptography, all the data that are uploaded to the block chain network are encrypted with cryptography thus making it impossible for any user to modify the data.


Which means records cannot be counterfeited , duplicated , faked, or modified by anyone anywhere by any means including Banks, Government or any private companies meanwhile the data is distributed by millions of users within the network.

Block chain, What so Big Deal about it?

When a data needs to be transferred from one person to another person, it becomes very efficient for person to transfer it with total anonymity.

Person "A" will transfer a data to Person "B", and the data flow starts from any computer within the system which actually holds Person "A" data and transfers it to Person "B", only Person "A" and "B" will be holding the key to send and collect the data respectively between them, the Block Chain Network users who are in millions will approve and oversee the transactions while also making sure that only "B" gets the data sent from person "A" securely and correctly and not to any 3rd party by mistake.

The Block Chain network users who actually approve and oversee these transaction will not be knowing any identity, address or location of Person "A" or Person "B" and they will not be knowing what data was sent or received between person "A" and "B" since the data are encrypted with cryptography and only Person "A" and "B" computers addresses will be holding the key to unlock their own data, Block Chain network users will just ensure that data transaction happens only between the person who initiated and the person to whom the data is being intended for. 

It is a totally anonymous transaction not tracked by any government, banks, companies and block chain users themselves (since the data are encrypted) .

Block chain Technology, How does it Helps? 

Think about a framer who buys a small plot of land and he will be provided with records, proofs and documents of ownership by the Government and Government keeps a copy of the document with itself as well.

Suppose if a natural disaster strikes and plot of land owned by the farmer is flooded and totally destroyed by it and the farmer also loses the copy of his ownership documents leading him without any proof documents  to show his rightful ownership of the land.

Mean while government which also owns a document copy of the framers ownership can easily change, modify or fake the farmers ownership document due some political reasons or in a interest of a particular individual or any change in government reforms and polices. Which will make farmer to lose the ownership of the land since the proof documents on both parties are either lost or altered.

But if the documents were to be uploaded to the block chain systems, it would be distributed among millions of users who are part of block chain network, and if farmers loses his copy of the data, there are still millions of copies of his data stored by the millions of user computers in the network, there is no chance of losing any data.

The data are well encrypted via cryptography and cannot be altered or modified by any government, bank or authority and even the block chain user computer itself who actually stores a copy of the data.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Biggest Cats on the Planet Earth

Biggest Cats on the Planet Earth : World's Biggest Cats : Biggest Wild Cats in the World : World's Largest wild cats




Weight : ~ 460 lbs to 700 lbs (215 Kg to 320 Kg)
Body Length : ~ 6 ft to 8 ft

Tigers are the largest cats species on the planet, a full grown Siberian Tiger would out weigh an average African Lion nearly by 100 Kg 

Tigers are apex/alpha predators meaning they reside at the top of a food chain upon which no other creatures prey, Tigers are solitary animals and  spend a majority of their lives without others of their own species.

Tiger are categorized into 6 living sub species :
Siberian Tiger, Indochina Tiger, Sumatran Tiger, Bengal Tiger, Malayan Tiger, South China Tiger

Siberian Tiger and Bengal Tigers are the most recognizable sub species of the Tiger, Siberian Tiger is the largest subspecies.

Bengal Tigers are Native to India and is the most common subspecies with representing roughly 70% of  Tiger population

The Siberian tiger and Bengal tiger subspecies rank among the biggest living cats

Countries with Natural Habitat :



Weight : 370 lbs - 480 lbs (170 Kg - 220 Kg)
Body Length : 6 ft - 8 ft

Lion is the second largest cat next to tiger, Lions have strong, compact bodies and powerful forelegs.

as with Tiger's Lion's are apex/alpha predators as well meaning they reside at the top of a food chain upon which no other creatures prey.

Lions are the world's most social felines. They live in groups of related females called prides, which may comprise several to as many as 40 individuals, including adults, sub-adults (2 to 4 years old) and cubs, plus one or more resident males.

Lions are Native to Africa and India.

The Lions native to India are called as Asiatic Lion a sub species of Lion Family

Countries with Natural Habitat :



Weight : 165 lbs to 264 lbs (75 Kg to 120 Kg)
Body Length : 6 ft to 8 ft

Jaguar ranks 3rd among largest cat based on the physical appearance, Jaguar's have strongest bite force of any cat species, Jaguar's are the biggest cats in American Continent.

It closely resembles the leopard physically, although it is usually larger and of sturdier build and its behavioral and habitat characteristics are closer to those of the tiger.

The jaguar is largely a opportunistic, stalk-and-ambush predator at the top of the food chain. 

Jaguars are solitary animals and spend a majority of their lives without others of their own species

Jaguars are native to Central American and South American Amazon

Countries with Natural Habitat :



Weight : 132 lbs to 190 lbs (60 Kg to 90 Kg)
Body Length : 3.5 ft to 6 ft

The mountain lion  is also known as the cougar, puma, panther, and catamount, The Puma is the fourth heaviest of the cats and is the largest wildcat in North America. 
Though despite their large size, they are thought to be more closely related to smaller feline species. The seven subspecies of puma all have similar characteristics, but tend to vary in color and size. 
Pumas are thought to be one of the most adaptable of felines on the American continents, because they are found in a variety of different habitats unlike other various cat species
Mountain lions have powerful limbs and can leap as high as 15 feet and as far as 40 feet.
Pumas are solitary cats and have the largest ranges of all wild terrestrial mammals in the Western Hemisphere.
They are very territorial and actively avoid other cats except during courtship

Countries with Natural Habitat :



Weight : 110 lbs to 180 lbs (50 Kg to 80 Kg)
Body Length : 3 ft to 4.5 ft

The snow leopard is the 5th largest cat in the list , it has a coat with ringed spots that help camouflage the animal against it's environment.

The snow leopard's fur helps to insulate it against the cold.

Snow leopards have large paws to keep them from falling into the snow while walking.

The animal has powerful legs, capable of lunging and leaping after larger prey.

The tail of the snow leopard not only helps the animal balance, but can also act as a blanket when the leopard becomes cold.

Snow Leopard are solitary animals and  spend a majority of their lives without others of their species

Countries with Natural Habitat :



Weight : 110 lbs to 180 lbs (50 Kg to 80 Kg)
Body Length : 3 ft - 3.6 ft 

The Leopard is the sixth largest feline in the world behind the tiger, lion, jaguar, mountain lion, Snow Leopard, Leopards are strongly built and have a large head with extremely strong jaw muscles.

Leopards are medium-sized cats found in a range of colors from pale yellow to gray to chestnut. A leopards shoulders, upper arms, back and haunches are marked with dark spots in a rosette pattern, while the head, chest and throat are marked with small black spot

Leopards are the most widespread feline and they can be found in Africa, India, China, and Siberia.

Leopard are solitary animals and  spend a majority of their lives without others of their own species

Countries with Natural Habitat :



Weight : 88 lbs to 160 lbs (40 Kg to 70 Kg)
Body Length : 4.5 ft to 5 ft

The cheetah ranks as 7th largest cat and is characterized by long, slim, muscular legs, a small, rounded head set on a long neck, a flexible spine, a deep chest, non retractable claws, special pads on its feet for traction and a long, tail for balance

Its lightly built, slender form is in sharp contrast with the robust build of the big cats, making it more similar to the cougar.

The cheetah is built for speed. Though taller than the leopard, it is notably smaller than the lion.

Cheetahs are active mainly during the day, with hunting their major activity. Adult males are sociable despite their territoriality, forming groups called "coalitions"

Countries with Natural Habitat : 
