Saturday, November 4, 2017

Biggest Cats on the Planet Earth

Biggest Cats on the Planet Earth : World's Biggest Cats : Biggest Wild Cats in the World : World's Largest wild cats




Weight : ~ 460 lbs to 700 lbs (215 Kg to 320 Kg)
Body Length : ~ 6 ft to 8 ft

Tigers are the largest cats species on the planet, a full grown Siberian Tiger would out weigh an average African Lion nearly by 100 Kg 

Tigers are apex/alpha predators meaning they reside at the top of a food chain upon which no other creatures prey, Tigers are solitary animals and  spend a majority of their lives without others of their own species.

Tiger are categorized into 6 living sub species :
Siberian Tiger, Indochina Tiger, Sumatran Tiger, Bengal Tiger, Malayan Tiger, South China Tiger

Siberian Tiger and Bengal Tigers are the most recognizable sub species of the Tiger, Siberian Tiger is the largest subspecies.

Bengal Tigers are Native to India and is the most common subspecies with representing roughly 70% of  Tiger population

The Siberian tiger and Bengal tiger subspecies rank among the biggest living cats

Countries with Natural Habitat :



Weight : 370 lbs - 480 lbs (170 Kg - 220 Kg)
Body Length : 6 ft - 8 ft

Lion is the second largest cat next to tiger, Lions have strong, compact bodies and powerful forelegs.

as with Tiger's Lion's are apex/alpha predators as well meaning they reside at the top of a food chain upon which no other creatures prey.

Lions are the world's most social felines. They live in groups of related females called prides, which may comprise several to as many as 40 individuals, including adults, sub-adults (2 to 4 years old) and cubs, plus one or more resident males.

Lions are Native to Africa and India.

The Lions native to India are called as Asiatic Lion a sub species of Lion Family

Countries with Natural Habitat :



Weight : 165 lbs to 264 lbs (75 Kg to 120 Kg)
Body Length : 6 ft to 8 ft

Jaguar ranks 3rd among largest cat based on the physical appearance, Jaguar's have strongest bite force of any cat species, Jaguar's are the biggest cats in American Continent.

It closely resembles the leopard physically, although it is usually larger and of sturdier build and its behavioral and habitat characteristics are closer to those of the tiger.

The jaguar is largely a opportunistic, stalk-and-ambush predator at the top of the food chain. 

Jaguars are solitary animals and spend a majority of their lives without others of their own species

Jaguars are native to Central American and South American Amazon

Countries with Natural Habitat :



Weight : 132 lbs to 190 lbs (60 Kg to 90 Kg)
Body Length : 3.5 ft to 6 ft

The mountain lion  is also known as the cougar, puma, panther, and catamount, The Puma is the fourth heaviest of the cats and is the largest wildcat in North America. 
Though despite their large size, they are thought to be more closely related to smaller feline species. The seven subspecies of puma all have similar characteristics, but tend to vary in color and size. 
Pumas are thought to be one of the most adaptable of felines on the American continents, because they are found in a variety of different habitats unlike other various cat species
Mountain lions have powerful limbs and can leap as high as 15 feet and as far as 40 feet.
Pumas are solitary cats and have the largest ranges of all wild terrestrial mammals in the Western Hemisphere.
They are very territorial and actively avoid other cats except during courtship

Countries with Natural Habitat :



Weight : 110 lbs to 180 lbs (50 Kg to 80 Kg)
Body Length : 3 ft to 4.5 ft

The snow leopard is the 5th largest cat in the list , it has a coat with ringed spots that help camouflage the animal against it's environment.

The snow leopard's fur helps to insulate it against the cold.

Snow leopards have large paws to keep them from falling into the snow while walking.

The animal has powerful legs, capable of lunging and leaping after larger prey.

The tail of the snow leopard not only helps the animal balance, but can also act as a blanket when the leopard becomes cold.

Snow Leopard are solitary animals and  spend a majority of their lives without others of their species

Countries with Natural Habitat :



Weight : 110 lbs to 180 lbs (50 Kg to 80 Kg)
Body Length : 3 ft - 3.6 ft 

The Leopard is the sixth largest feline in the world behind the tiger, lion, jaguar, mountain lion, Snow Leopard, Leopards are strongly built and have a large head with extremely strong jaw muscles.

Leopards are medium-sized cats found in a range of colors from pale yellow to gray to chestnut. A leopards shoulders, upper arms, back and haunches are marked with dark spots in a rosette pattern, while the head, chest and throat are marked with small black spot

Leopards are the most widespread feline and they can be found in Africa, India, China, and Siberia.

Leopard are solitary animals and  spend a majority of their lives without others of their own species

Countries with Natural Habitat :



Weight : 88 lbs to 160 lbs (40 Kg to 70 Kg)
Body Length : 4.5 ft to 5 ft

The cheetah ranks as 7th largest cat and is characterized by long, slim, muscular legs, a small, rounded head set on a long neck, a flexible spine, a deep chest, non retractable claws, special pads on its feet for traction and a long, tail for balance

Its lightly built, slender form is in sharp contrast with the robust build of the big cats, making it more similar to the cougar.

The cheetah is built for speed. Though taller than the leopard, it is notably smaller than the lion.

Cheetahs are active mainly during the day, with hunting their major activity. Adult males are sociable despite their territoriality, forming groups called "coalitions"

Countries with Natural Habitat : 


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